A company’s visual identity is the sum of its representative graphic elements. It is exemplified by a blend of forms, colours, typographic elements, symbols and so on. The objective is that each company creates its own image by which it can be instantly recognised. Does this really have an impact on the company? Should the image be renewed over time?
What is the importance of visual identity for a company?
Establishing the first contact between a company and a prospect
A company identity should set the tone. Constituting the first contact between a prospect and a company, the identity must be easily recognisable and attractive to potential customers. A logo that is too complicated to understand can have negative repercussions on target groups. The font, colours, graphics, all these elements must be carefully selected to be able to convey the image the company wishes. If the branding succeeds in attracting the prospect, the last-named might continue to the next step, to place an order or to request an estimate.
Conveying the company’s values
A company’s goal is to transmit a message and its values. This is done through its communication and inevitably its visual identity . In effect, this identity must be unique, resemble the mirror image of the company and convey those values which it wants to defend. Using its identity, the company can transmit certain messages subconsciously and position itself in a precise sector, or reach a specific target (young people, well off consumers, individuals, professionals etc).
Distinguish yourself from the competition
An identity also enables a company to stand out from the competition. Companies that evolve in a competitive sector must be able to differentiate themselves thanks to a singular identity. It’s the right time to use creativity and to make an impact. With a Monty Pythonesque or similar out of sync visual identity, the company will have more of a chance to arouse curiosity and to have a head start over its competitors. An attractive logo, an original typography, colours which harmonise with its values, all these are key assets that attract potential customers.
Should the company develop its identity over time?
The question of developing or changing a company’s visual identity is often raised. Should a logo be modified? Will the company lose customers if it makes a change? These are questions that all companies and businesses quite correctly ask themselves. It is, though, indispensable for a company to develop its graphic identity over the years. A striking identity in the 90’s will not be as effective in 2016 in this era of rapid graphic and typographic development. Changing identity, however, does not mean changing values or the message that the company wishes to convey. It is possible to keep the strong elements (colours, symbols etc), and to update them in a more contemporary and studied approach to graphics.
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