Branding is the entire culture surrounding a brand, enabling a company to establish itself as a benchmark in its sector of activity: its name, its logo, everything that makes up its personality and that of those who cultivate it. The best way for a brand to become known is through advertising, but this is the result of a great deal of upstream marketing work to ensure that the message is clear and effective.

The means available

Companies have a whole range of options for creating the commercial identity and personality of their brand. The first step is the logo. Customers need to be able to make an immediate connection between the logo, the company and the products it markets. It must reflect the brand by being simple, memorable and attention-grabbing. The same applies to the graphic charter. Next come all the communication and advertising media, which must incorporate all the codes of the logo and effectively convey the brand’s image. Promotional items and gifts are good customisable communication media. They help to anchor the brand in everyday life, getting customers used to seeing the logo on a regular basis and creating a sense of automaticity when consumers come into contact with the products and services, as if they were already familiar with the brand. The website should not be neglected either, as it is the permanent showcase on the Internet. The various advertising media also need to be worked on: videos and advertising brochures need to convey positive feelings about the company to its customers. The message must be clear if it is to be understood by the target consumers, and must demonstrate the brand’s honesty if it is to win their trust and recognition. The products and services and the context in which they are marketed must offer quality services so that a new marketing element comes into play: word of mouth. A satisfied customer will talk about it, and will very often generate more publicity than the entire marketing department put together. On the other hand, an unhappy consumer will also spread the word, and a declining reputation is much harder to recover from.

Branding is about showcasing

A strong image is the goal. A company that has gained the recognition and trust of its customers can afford to rely less on advertising. All this advertising, marketing and sales work must enhance the customer’s perception of the brand, both through the purchase of products and services and through communication. Profitability will only be possible once customer loyalty has been built up and brand awareness has been strengthened. Communication revolves around the brand’s culture and values, and must make itself felt through the various advertising media. Branding must therefore cultivate its personality and adapt its commercial, marketing and communication actions if it is to be successful.