Digital Week proposes to review your company’s digital performances and explore the innovations that will continue to boost your business growth. When digital revolutionises your marketing and communication, it’s only through Digital Week that you can understand your situation

Digital Week, 5 days to accelerate your development

Running from 21 to 25 March 2016, Digital Week will not only focus on the latest innovations, but also on the results achieved so far by the countless advances over the last few years. Digital week, encompassing 21 training courses and a day of plenary conferences (23 March under the theme of ”Innovation and digital performance. Boost your efficiency and accelerate your business”), is the time to take stock of the situation and to examine your business opportunities and/or your projects.

The digitalisation of the economy reconciling the emergence and the consecration of first Smart and now Big Data, necessitates, from this point forward, integrating a digital dimension into all your company’s services. The question of whether your business will move into the digital era is no longer relevant, and the only possible question remaining is the choice of your digital policy and its deployment timetable.

Digital marketing, a revolution for business communication

Digital Week is the occasion to focus on the importance of data in the development of our businesses, from its collection to its securitization, classification and management. Data stands today as a strong added value to your customer capital..

Enriched and updated in real time, this data rightly forms the backbone of your market research, and by implication that of your development also. Your communication and promotional services can now, thanks to Data Mining (data analysis and understanding), personalise the contents of this information and decide upon the best time to utilise it. Your sales team (or your internet site developers) can adopt an adapted sales pitch for each customer or potential customer. With the use of this Data Visualisation, even your production department can become more responsive, thus ensuring an immediate monitoring of your market activities, enabling a greater reactivity.

Digital marketing or digital company, what does the future hold?

Digital performances, which focus on new tools to respond to the new expectations of consumers, have a great effect on all your business services. Multi-channel distribution has now become omni-channel, and to be truly efficient all development strategies should integrate this cross-channel dimension.

Compatible in real time with all distribution channels, cross-channel marketing with Big Data’s help, can even use a behavioural approach due to its 360° view of the customer.. The entire company benefits from these innovations, expressed in scoring terms, using forecasts made possible with Big Data.
In this way predictive marketing opens new avenues, on the modelling of customers’ and prospective customers’ behaviour. With its ability to detect an activity or a sentiment in advance, predictive marketing allows your company to anticipate, irrespective of whether it’s to make a good corporate impression, to combat a decrease in customer loyalty, or to remove doubts and convince hesitant prospective customers.

By acting before and no longer after the fact, your teams gain in efficiency. Digital Week will focus on all these innovations and performances. This is finally the moment to highlight the exponential development of these connected objects, as well as growth forecasts in this sector. Apart from the creation of new markets and new business opportunities for your company, this generalisation of connected objects will produce a mountain of data that experts love to call “more easily exploitable”. New data that entails new developments and new tools that we may well discuss again at Digital Week 2017.

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