In 2016, revenue from digital advertising will increase three times more than for other supports. However, if internet continues to reinvent advertising, the reallocation of media planning will not kill off print advertising.

Digital advertising continues to grow after its breakthrough and should soon dethrone televised advertising from the first place. With a growth of 4,7% for the coming year, digital advertising is boosted by advertisements on social networks, video on line and paid searches. With a sales revenue of 463 million euros last year, programmatic advertising has increased by 61%, a figure, however, that remains less than that recorded in neighbouring countries during the same period.

Digital advertising’s new directions

This significant growth is the proof that digital advertising is continuing its transformation riding on the crest of the wave of the new supports and users’ habits. The orientation towards mobiles and videos has been confirmed and the innovations in this sector are of three kinds.

The omnipotent mobile prefers the vertical format to that of the horizontal, favoured by television and the cinema. The time spent by the screen generation in watching videos on a portable will soon equal the time spent in front of a computer, and videos will give way to programmatic advertising. Finally the consultation and the recommendations of social networks are becoming more and more important, obliging advertisers to respond in view of the impact generated by this intermediary.

Adapted advertising for social networks

Social networks are winning new ground as indispensable exchange and information platforms. Offering still more features, they have become crucial marketing tools for companies and advertisers.

Today, there is not a company without its own Tweeter or Facebook account. Customers choose to communicate with companies by using these indispensable channels that have taken hold of customer relationships and made brand images credible for internet users by their power. According to a survey, French internet users trust products and services on social networks, and 46% of them are prepared to buy an entertainment product, depending on the commentaries received on their favourite network.
This percentage does not leave advertisers indifferent, and they are in the process of introducing personalised advertising messages to win over new customers.

The invincible print support

Faced with such a digital advertising offensive, ready to comply with the data imposed by new supports, it would be natural to doubt the future of the print advertising support. However, even if it is impossible to eliminate digital advertising from media planning, it would be a mistake not to take print into account in a multi-support communication strategy.

Here as well, the figures speak for themselves. Print advertisements maintain a reading percentage superior to their digital equivalents (92% for a mailing advertisement against 83% for an email). This result is acknowledged in the food, mass distribution and furnishing sectors.

The advertising leaflet is not ready to disappear from our real time letter boxes. Going one step further, it introduces and supports digital advertising. Whether we like it or not, we are probably more inclined to rely upon print advertising, because we believe more in what we can touch. In 2016, print advertising continues to write its own future.

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