Quite unexpectedly, the printed advertising sector has retained its dynamism despite digital advertising’s breakthrough the past few years. BALmétrie, in collaboration with Ipsos, have published its latest figures for this traditional medium. In 2015, a French person will read at least one printed advertising document each week.

We do not seem to mind paradoxes. Despite our protests about the invasion of advertising in our letter boxes, we continue, whether we like it or not, to cast a glance at it, and are always on the look out for a good deal to come our way.

The printed advertising market grew by 0,6 point in 2015

Proof of this can be found in the results published by BALmétrie which carefully examined our reading habits. In 2015, 93,4% of the French audience read at least one printed advertising document each week. It might take the form of a postal advertisement (58,1%), a leaflet distributed in a shop doorway or even one left in your letter box (69,8 %).

Better still, in a context dominated by the emergence of digital advertising, the good old advert has augmented its market by 0,6 point compared to 2014. This type of dynamic astonishes critics, who until recently were under the impression that paper was nearing its end.

Ad blocking used by 30% of the French

This fine bill of health can be attributed to consumer habits and the use of different advertising channels. As if in common agreement, we are rebelling against an advertising that has become too intrusive and invasive. Nevertheless, despite the fact that 30% of internet users employ advertising filters in 2015, only 17% put a ”No junkmail” sticker on their letterbox.

Even if the amount of postal advertising decreased last year due to a drop in investments which lead to a decrease in the market by 3,1 points, the French still prefer postal advertising. In 2016, the reading rate for printed advertising remains superior to that of its digital counterparts (92% for postal advertisements compared to 83% for an email).

Supermarket leaflets are still in vogue in 2016

The food industry continues to be the principal leaflet distributor. French supermarket publications are read by 56,4% of the population each week. The other major sources in this sector are the furnishing and decoration sectors (35,3%) followed by the gardening and do-it-yourself branches (31, 9%). They remain loyal to printed publications that we often thumb through distractedly looking for products or a bargain.

The BALmètrie figures can be translated in the following manner: We want to be “disturbed” by advertisements, but only when we choose to be! We are, undoubtedly, more liable to devote our time to flyers, as with these we can decide exactly when and where we will pay attention to them. The web 2.0 world and digitalisation have indisputably changed consumer habits. Nevertheless, our free will is still intact and it is up to us in the final analysis to choose our preferred advertising channel. In line with the global trend in this traditional communication sector, our choice still falls upon the printed document.

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