Rather than reading tea leaves, professionals prefer to exchange their experience at digital marketing conferences organised by Viuz. These exchanges enable professionals to envision sector trends for the coming years.

Firstly, the basic trend: Digital advertising dominates the sector and has supplanted television advertising. Marketers count on a progression of 8,1% of on-line advertising compared to +0,3% for the total global media market.

Virtual reality is no longer a distant hope

In the light of the above, Thomas Husson, analyst at Forrester, draws attention to several scenarios. Virtual reality usage will augment significantly. In 2016, it is estimated that 1 million headsets will be used in the USA. In 2020, this figure will reach 50 million, of which 20 million in the corporate world. The areas most concerned by its use will be those pertaining to luxury tourism and the automobile industry.

The mobile: omnipresent and unassailable in 2016

Another major trend: the mobile has superceded the PC and is increasingly more present in our private lives. The “mobile first” adage is on the way to being updated by the “mobile only”, and is now at the centre of the galaxy of connected objects (IOT). The figures speak for themselves about its omnipresence. In 2015, 78% of Facebook’s advertising revenue was realised on the mobile, 51% of time spent on the Internet was via our telephones and 50% of Google’s 100 billion researches were made with the mobile. Our smartphone, this little all-knowing and time-consuming monster, is everywhere and encroaches upon our free time and our leisure activities.

2016: video will answer for 75% of web traffic

Since 2011, video usage has continued to grow. Every day, there are 8 billion views on Facebook or Snapchat, and on average an internet user watches 40 minutes of videos per session. To cope with this supremacy, Google has launched You Tube Kids and You Tube Gaming. The objective of this move is to allow advertisers to detect the interests of targeted groups to make better use of digital advertising. It will be up to professionals to determine and develop the right video format, even if the “short time” seems to be preferred.

Digital advertising’s personalisation

The last major analysis reveals the necessity to produce a more personalised form of digital marketing. At l’Oréal, Laurent Laforest reminds us that, in their sector, communication functions are transmitted by means of influencers. This barbaric term is a reference to bloggers and social networks.

Blogs have become more and more specialised and an incontestable intermediary in the luxury and make-up industries. This power of influence requires a genuine objectivity from the blogger and product promotion must be clearly framed by these sponsored articles.

The social networks are more often used by those in the 16-34 age group, who refer to them for the merest information search. For the over 50’s the search engine takes over again.

As in the case of Soosh or Parisien, marketers must come up with campaigns linked to internet users’ habits. Targeted contents and subscription propositions based on collected data lead to a better conversion rate.

Marketing’s harsh reality: do as I say…

All the same, once all the trends have been analysed, tested and applied, the reality of the figures must still be taken into account. In the corporate world, the gap between consumer habits and marketing practices is still a long way from being breached.

In 2015, only 7% of companies that responded to the Baromètre Idaos on digital transformation invested in the new technologies and modified their communication methods. Let’s wait and see, perhaps digital marketing trends in 2016 will reflect the awareness that Internet has become reality.

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