A company’s visual identity is the set of graphic elements that represent the company. It takes the form of a combination of shapes, colours, typographic elements, symbols , etc. The aim is to give each company its own identity so that it can be directly recognised. Does it really have an impact on the company? Does it need to be renewed over the years?

How important is visual identity to a company?

Establishing the first contact between the company and the prospect

The corporate identity must set the tone. It is the first contact between the prospect and the company , so it must attract a potential customer and be easily recognisable. A logo that is too complicated to understand could have negative repercussions on target audiences. The font, the colours, the graphics – all these elements need to be studied as carefully as possible in order to produce work that is in line with what the company wishes to convey. If the branding succeeds in seducing the prospect, he or she will be able to move on to the next stage, i.e. placing an order or requesting a quote.

Conveying the company’s values

The aim of a company is to convey a message, a set of values. This is achieved through its communications and, of course, its visual identity. In fact, thanks to its specific features, it must reflect the company and convey the values it defends. Thanks to this identity, the company can unconsciously convey certain messages and position itself in a specific sector, or even reach a specific target (young people, wealthy people, individuals, professionals, etc.).

Differentiate yourself from your competitors

A company’s identity also helps it to stand out from its competitors. Companies operating in a competitive sector need to be able to stand out from the crowd thanks to a unique identity. This is the time to use your creativity and make your mark. With a quirky visual identity, a company is more likely to arouse curiosity and stay one step ahead of its competitors. An attractive logo, original typography and colours that reflect the company’s values will all help to attract future consumers.

Should a company’s identity evolve over time?

The question of evolving or changing a company’s visual identity often arises. Should a logo be changed? Won’t customers get lost in the shuffle? These are the questions that every company is entitled to ask. But it is essential for a company to evolve its identity over the years as new graphic design trends emerge. An identity that was striking in the 90s will not be as effective in the 2010s, in the era of the development of graphic design and typography. However, changing your identity does not mean changing your values or the message you want to convey. It is possible to keep strong elements (colours, symbols, etc.), but to use them in a more up-to-date and sophisticated way.

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