Today, web visibility is essential for advertisers. On the one hand, through the purchase of advertising space, but also through Google Adwords campaigns.
An Adwords campaign refers to an advertiser’s use of commercial links on the Google platform. In simple terms, an Adwords campaign generates groups of ads, which in turn generate keywords. It is therefore in the advertiser’s interest to multiply their campaigns in order to optimise them as much as possible. Statistical analyses are available to provide the best possible analysis of the campaign.
Printers have clearly understood the need to communicate via Google Adwords. In December 2017, 44 print shops stood out for their advertising investment on the Google platform.

Here is a summary of the top 44 print shops that spent the largest Google Adwords advertising budgets.

Advertising investment up at the end of 2017

At the end of December, we recorded €356,666 in Google Adwords advertising investment across the 44 structures concerned, for traffic of 347,595 visitors. This represents a 10% increase on the previous month.

The average investment budget was €8,174, an increase of €1,000 on the previous month. Of these investments, ten advertisers allocated more than €10,000 to Adwords. These include, which moved into the top 10 with an investment of €10,428, and monalbumphoto, which moved straight into 2nd place with an investment of €28,479.

The Vistaprint Group dominates the market

Unsurprisingly, we find Vistaprint at the top of the ranking. The world’s leading online printing advertiser has allocated a colossal budget to Adwords, with a budget approaching €84k.

This budget is still rising, since in October the advertiser committed almost €70k. In December, the advertiser purchased over 13,800 keywords.

Vistaprint remains one of the best-known online printers. Its unrivalled presence on the online media is no small part of this, as are its unbeatable budget business cards. The advertiser has established itself as the leader in online printing for private individuals.

The other companies in the group are following the trend, with Easyflyer recording an increase of €3k, with a budget of €17,053, Exaprint €4,438 and PixartPrinting €9,562. The Vistaprint Group can therefore boast a cumulative investment of almost €115,000 in Google Adwords campaigns, with traffic approaching 120,000 prospects.
Once again, the group has secured its position as market leader.

Cost per click, an important indicator

The cost per click (CPC) is the amount paid to the search engine by the advertiser for a click by a visitor, taking them from an advertising link to the advertiser’s site. This is an essential indicator, as it enables us to measure the expenditure actually incurred to obtain a potential future customer.

This cost can vary from €0.132 for to €3.23 for, for example.

The average cost is around €1.

A fairly positive result, then, confirming the increase in advertising investment by printers, for ever greater visibility.

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