Here are a few tips to help you ring in the New Year as calmly as possible. What’s on the agenda? New customers. The ideal situation? Win them over, convince them and keep them!
Here are three communication tools you won’t soon be able to do without.

The sales brochure

The sales brochure is an essential tool for getting a message across to prospective customers.
Based on the company’s charter, it highlights the key messages, broad outlines and main values of the company.
It is ideal when the company is present at trade fairs or events. While this type of event is ideal for winning over new customers, they generally only have a limited amount of time. So it’s vital to give them this presentation document, summarising the main messages to be conveyed to them.
This brochure can be physical or digital. Many companies are attracted to the online digital brochure because of its dematerialised and eco-friendly nature!
On the paper side, different formats are possible, depending on the company’s needs: the product sheet (A4 format) for a standard, practical format, the flyer (usually A5), which is inexpensive and ideal for street campaigns or events, the tri-fold leaflet (A4 folded into 3 parts) or the sales brochure (A4, A5 or special formats), which is more complete and suitable for more exhaustive presentations of the company.

The website, simple but effective

The website is an essential, up-to-date communication tool. The website can be a showcase or a commercial site. The most important thing is that the site should be branded in the company’s colours, and that it should be easy to use, so that it is guaranteed to be effective.
The design of the site and its ergonomics are essential. It is often more sensible to call on professional designers, such as communications agencies or online graphic design platforms.
The Web is an essential communication tool these days, but there are a lot of sites out there, and it’s essential to be visible and well referenced.

The newsletter

The newsletter is also an important selling point. It enables the company to reach its customers and prospects. It must be optimised, and summarise the essential information in a clear and readable way. It is also based on the same model as the website.

Margy Consultants, at the service of business communication

Margy Consultants specialises in offset printing. The company designs, manufactures and publishes communication media adapted to the needs of companies, such as diaries or advertisingcalendars, annual reports, brochures/catalogues, sales brochures and other media likely to meet customer requirements.
Don’t hesitate to call on Margy Consultants to produce your communication media.

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