As a company director, your aim is to design a company book. This project must be in line with your communication strategy. The result must reflect your desire for your company to be recognised as a benchmark in your sector of activity.

What impact will a company book have on your business?

Considered a genuine means of communication, a company book guarantees your positioning. It also helps your business to grow.

This communication tool is essential for a multi-channel strategy, an undeniable advantage in relations with your prospects and customers, employees and suppliers.
Publishing this book gives you the opportunity to present an object to everyone you meet. It will symbolise your desire to communicate and share the crucial points of your know-how.

Far from being a simple internal and external physical medium, a company book gives legitimacy to its creator. It gives you greater visibility and a broader aura. It sets you apart from the competition.

Create a story that highlights your expertise and field of activity. The corporate book adds significant value to your business, particularly through storytelling.

Creating your company book

This medium has the advantage of presenting your expertise in a well-argued and substantiated way. Its aim is to convince the reader to choose you over your competitors.

Writing a business book cannot be improvised. That’s why it’s important to contact a marketing professional to do the groundwork. He or she will gather all the data and key points for a faithful reconstruction.

And it’s important to find the right publishing house. The publisher must specialise in communications. The publisher can guide you through design, editing and publication.

A suitable contract must be chosen for publishing. There are two solutions:

  • A contract for publication on a publisher’s account. If you are assessed as an author, you will opt for this type of contract. Note that publication does not necessarily mean distribution in bookshops. And the answer may be a long time coming.
  • An author’s publisher, with whom you will sign a contract. This type of contract is not as regulated as the previous one. In order to be published, you will be paid. The publishing house may help you with the writing and put you in touch with a journalist or writer.

The design stages

As the marketing medium of choice, your corporate book should focus on your expertise. Don’t hesitate to contact a professional if you want a book that reflects your expertise. Make sure you choose the number of pages, photos (colour or black and white), illustrations, format, etc. carefully.

Choosing professional contributors is an important step. Choose an available collaborator, a journalist in particular for archive research and interviews, and opt for an expert photographer.

Graphic design is another stage, including the mock-up of the cover and the inside of the book. The cover corresponds to precise communication codes.

Finally, the printing of your corporate book needs to be considered from the outset. Contact printers for a quote.

The e-book solution for your company book may also be considered. Remember to include a format for e-readers.

Other articles to read :

  • 5 essential communication assets for any new company
  • Your company’s annual report: an assessment of your good health, a brand image to maintain