Professional surveys confirm that the global printing industry and its associated suppliers are extremely optimistic regarding this year’s economic growth prospects.

DRUPA, the world’s largest trade fair devoted to graphic and industrial printing

In fact, a recent opinion poll organised by DRUPA, the world’s largest trade fair devoted to graphic and industrial printing, indicates that 37% of a panel of printing experts and 41% of the suppliers questioned, estimated that they had a good financial situation in 2015. This compares with 12% and 14% respectively who evaluated their position as relatively mediocre.

During this global trade fair, the third edition of the report on world trends and prospects of the printing industry was presented and discussed by industry professionals.

The report provides the opportunity to evaluate these trades in a financial light in which a certain moroseness can be perceived. It must be remembered that the commercial printing sector is still augmenting its diversification, the printing industry is still struggling to come to terms with the growth of digital, the packaging sector is taking advantage of its value added products, and that only the functional printing market remains stable thanks in part to the textile and interior decoration branches.

In this slightly dour context, it seems that the effects of the 2008 financial crisis are still being felt, and that the sector has not yet made a full recovery. However, printers express their optimism for 2016, despite limited profits and a continual decrease in prices.

On a global scale, the forecasts for 2016 indicate a positive/negative rate of more than 40%, even though the same indicator was around 25% in 2015. The North American and Asian markets present the most optimistic rates for 2016 (70% and 60% respectively). European printers place themselves around the average with a little more than 40% optimistic.

Many printing professionals envisage an increase in growth in 2016

Regarding their sector’s market development, many printing professionals envisage an increase in growth in 2016. On the one hand, more of them put themselves in this category than in 2015, and, on the other hand 50% estimate that their financial situation will improve this year, compared to only 6% who indicate deterioration.

In global distribution terms, the Middle East, as well as the Asian, African and Australian continents, show the highest confidence rates; from the standpoint of professional sectors, the functional and commercial markets are amongst those that display the most optimistic approach in terms of economic growth.

On a global scale, the suppliers, full of confidence, are not being left behind, and estimate a positive rate of 50% this year, even though the figure was 25% at the end of 2015.
This renewed optimism is particularly felt on the African and South American continents and in part in the Middle East.

In conclusion, printers as well as suppliers understand perfectly that their businesses can only remain stable at the cost of a positive growth strategy, and faced with a world in profound digital change, these professions must find the means to remain relevant and competitive.

Another article: DRUPA 2016: this year’s edition focuses on the technologies in the printing sector