A day with a digital theme

On 10 May 2016, at the Pavillon Wagram in Paris, from 8.30am to 5pm, Viuz will be holding its fourth series of conferences on digital marketing.

Viuz, the leading daily newspaper on the subject, whose two co-founders, Patrick Kervern and Andrès Menajovsky, will be present as speakers, is organising this event entitled “The new frontiers of digital marketing”. The day will provide an opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics relating to current issues in marketing communications.
From keynotes to round tables, prestigious speakers will share their experience and their original vision of the changes taking place today. Marketing experts, digital leaders and Marketing Directors from leading companies (Axa, Coca-Cola France, Google France, Le Bon Coin, Waze… among many others) will be joining the audience to discuss the major challenges of today and tomorrow.

New challenges for businesses

The spectacular acceleration in the pace of technological change, and the resulting new consumer behaviours (purchasing patterns, alternating loyalty, etc.), have led to an extraordinary increase in the complexity of marketing and communications professions. The multi-channel explosion (consumers are constantly switching from one screen to another – smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop – looking for product information, price comparisons, ‘good deals’ via social networks, websites, search engines, etc.) and the dizzying growth of Big Data must lead to the deployment of new cross-channel strategies, while ensuring consistency in the different messages, and upstream control of the consequences generated – data silos, etc. – by the use of new technologies.

The very position of the marketing team within the company can no longer be conceived on the same basis as before this (r)evolution.

In fact, the need to design a new communications architecture must lead to innovative strategies and linkages, for which hybridization is the guarantor: a cross-fertilization of the talents of the different players in the company, optimized collaboration, and a new vision of coordination seem essential.

Today, companies are being pushed to the limits of their ability to adapt, and their survival may well depend on how they respond to this new challenge.

On the programme for this meeting

This tremendous opportunity for innovation must lead to a reinvention of the contours of digital marketing, and this will be the focus of the day’s discussions:

– How are new consumer trends affecting marketing?
– How can digital be used to cover the physical world?
– What are the most advanced practices in terms of mobile marketing?
– What are the emerging opportunities for brands on messaging apps?
– How will social media evolve in 2016, and what are the new logics of owned paid earned media?
– What impact will this have on brand organisations and content?
– What is the role of strategic marketing in an enlarged organisation?
– How can we prepare now to adapt our digital strategies?

Join us on 10 May 2016 at 8.30 a.m. at 47, avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris to discuss these new frontiers and their future. Online registration is open via the lesnouvellesfrontieresbyviuz website.

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