Cloud computing week will be held in Paris between 4 and 8 July 2016. After the success of the previous edition, EuroCloud, under the name of Cloud Week has once again attracted all the experts and major professional organisations of the cloud computing revolution. Making its appearance on the computing scene only a few years ago, cloud computing has shaken up corporate information systems, and in particular digital communication. Before presenting the main features of cloud week, let’s take a look at cloud computing’s role in small and medium-sized companies.

Cloud computing, the digital tool that energises corporate marketing

Cloud computing is a relatively recent concept, a veritable indicator of the digital transformation in small and medium-sized companies. It allows companies’ marketing sectors to benefit from a colossal calculating power and information stock. Thus, companies dispose of diverse online services: professional applications, storage and calculations.

According to a survey conducted by IDC with 150 small French companies ranging from 50 to 1 000 employees, 78% of respondents stated that they use cloud computing tools in 2015. This figure will surely be 92% in 2016. This involved mainly application based management solutions, from CRM (customer relationship management), to ERM (enterprise risk management) and including HCM (human capital management). Companies have, in this manner, fully integrated the profound changes made possible by cloud computing, the global economy’s digitalisation and in particular in their communication strategy.

Cloud Week in Paris, the essential marketing meeting

Cloud Week takes place in Paris from 4 to 8 July 2016. A dozen events are planned throughout the capital for this edition. Organised by EuroCloud France, this event is geared to cloud computing’s ecosystem. It treats cloud’s big challenges and in particular the use and valorisation of data collected at conferences, round tables, thematic workshops and professional meetings. Following the example of the first edition, the organisers hope to gather more than 4,000 managers from small and medium-sized companies, as well as attracting 5,000 visitors to fully embrace a European dimension.

Among this week’s many events, Monday’s visionary conference will reunite personalities from various universes, who will outline their opinions on the digital’s future. The trophy evening will include the awarding of five recompenses which will give the prize-winners access to the European EuroCloud award. On Tuesday the Paris Chamber of Commerce will lead a conference on the reasons why cloud computing has become a reality for companies. Numerous experts from the sector will evoke the blockchain and its ambitions. The CDRT (Club des Dirigeants Réseaux et Telecoms) will organise a morning devoted to unified communications using cloud computing. Wednesday will be consecrated to États Généraux d’EuroCloud France with presentations by several big IT service companies. On Thursday the conference on “Applied marketing with SaaS, towards a new paradigm” will be held.

Cloud Week at the beginning of July will be the gathering point for all the French and European players of cloud computing. By favouring professional exchanges and meetings, Cloud Week contributes to the awareness of small and large companies to this new competitive factor.

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