At a time when digital is establishing itself as an essential means of communication, addressed advertising mail, or CPA, still has a bright future ahead of it.
Indeed, addressed advertising mail remains a preferred means of communication for advertisers. The recipients, the consumers, appreciate this personalised communication. It’s a satisfaction that makes it easier for them to go to the shop and make a purchase.

But what really is addressed advertising mail? Here’s a quick look at a communication technique that never goes out of fashion.

How best to use addressed advertising mail?

Addressed advertising mail remains a favourite means of communication for consumers in France. Personalised, CPA mail easily triggers the act of buying, making consumers feel privileged.

This is an advertising message sent by the advertiser, via a postal operator, directly to the home of a prospective customer. The letter specifies the customer’s exact name and address. A totally personalised approach.

Addressed advertising mail is part of traditional direct marketing. To be effective, however, it requires a qualified, up-to-date database. A substantial budget is also allocated to the postage costs, which account for almost half of the total cost of the operation.

What are the results of addressed advertising mail?

A study carried out in 2011 by SOFRES highlighted that CPA does indeed give the recipient the feeling of being directly concerned by the message. The company thus appears more human, more accessible, and therefore closer to the consumer. This means of communication also attracts consumers’ attention and encourages them to make a purchase. In fact, a subsequent study carried out in 2015 by CSA-Cawi showed that 85% of French people went to a regular shop after receiving addressed advertising mail.
Addressed advertising mail is therefore a powerful medium that needs to be integrated into an effective marketing strategy.

Which operators for CPA?

Various postal operators distribute addressed advertising mail in France.

Among the best known are Adrexo and Mediapost. Each operator must hold a postal licence issued by ARCEP.

The advantage of these different service providers is undoubtedly the ability to geolocate mailings. In fact, it is possible to fine-tune the distribution zone for communication operations. This enables advertisers to communicate accurately and reliably. In this way, it is possible to target a particular consumer, based on their choices, interests and average shopping basket.
These service providers can also offer a customer database for sale or hire.

Advertisers can monitor their mailings in real time, as most distributors are equipped with PDAs.

A dense competitive landscape

Advertisers opting for the addressed mailing strategy need to stand out from the competition. The envelope is therefore a key element. It is the first impression that will be given to the prospect. We’ll opt for a specific format, a particular catchphrase, an original background, etc. Next, the context is important. A campaign targeted at a specific period is bound to be more effective (Valentine’s Day, sales, Christmas, etc.).

Addressed advertising mail, far from being left behind by the digital giants, still has a bright future ahead of it!

Other articles to read :

  • Essential media for successful communication
  • Personalised printed paper: an effective marketing argument