Advertising digital - Margy Consultants blog

The battle of media supports: print advertising defies digital

In 2016, revenue from digital advertising will increase three times more than for other supports. However, if internet continues to reinvent advertising, the reallocation of media planning will not kill off print advertising.

Digital advertising continues to grow after its breakthrough and should soon dethrone televised advertising from the first place. With a growth of 4,7% for the coming year, digital advertising is boosted by advertisements on social networks, video on line and paid searches. With a sales revenue of 463 million euros last year, programmatic advertising has increased by 61%, a figure, however, that remains less than that recorded in neighbouring countries during the same period.

Digital advertising's new directions

This significant growth is the proof that digital advertising is continuing its transformation riding on the crest of the wave of the new supports and users' habits. The orientation towards mobiles and videos has been confirmed and the innovations in this sector are of three kinds.

The omnipotent mobile prefers the vertical format to that of the horizontal, favoured by television and the cinema. The time spent by the screen generation in watching videos on a portable will soon equal the time spent in front of a computer, and videos will give way to programmatic advertising. Finally the consultation and the recommendations of social networks are becoming more and more important, obliging advertisers to respond in view of the impact generated by this intermediary.

Adapted advertising for social networks

Social networks are winning new ground as indispensable exchange and information platforms. Offering still more features, they have become crucial marketing tools for companies and advertisers.

Today, there is not a company without its own Tweeter or Facebook account. Customers choose to communicate with companies by using these indispensable channels that have taken hold of customer relationships and made brand images credible for internet users by their power. According to a survey, French internet users trust products and services on social networks, and 46% of them are prepared to buy an entertainment product, depending on the commentaries received on their favourite network.
This percentage does not leave advertisers indifferent, and they are in the process of introducing personalised advertising messages to win over new customers.

The invincible print support

Faced with such a digital advertising offensive, ready to comply with the data imposed by new supports, it would be natural to doubt the future of the print advertising support. However, even if it is impossible to eliminate digital advertising from media planning, it would be a mistake not to take print into account in a multi-support communication strategy.

Here as well, the figures speak for themselves. Print advertisements maintain a reading percentage superior to their digital equivalents (92% for a mailing advertisement against 83% for an email). This result is acknowledged in the food, mass distribution and furnishing sectors.

The advertising leaflet is not ready to disappear from our real time letter boxes. Going one step further, it introduces and supports digital advertising. Whether we like it or not, we are probably more inclined to rely upon print advertising, because we believe more in what we can touch. In 2016, print advertising continues to write its own future.

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E-marketing trade fair - Margy Consultants Blog

The business and digital marketing world will gather at the e-Marketing Paris trade fair

Company communication and the accession of digital marketing

The Paris e-Marketing trade fair will be held from 12 to 14 April 2016. This digital marketing rendezvous has become indispensable for business managers and communication services alike. Let's have a look at the reasons for this success, and also, of course, at the absolute necessity for businesses to be aware of the latest in web marketing.

e-Marketing Paris: the essential meeting place for all communication and marketing specialists

Last year's e-Marketing trade fair beat the record attendance by receiving 15,200 visitors of which 2,100 were VIP's. This success was more than likely achieved thanks to the quality of the invited suppliers, and to the numerous conferences and round tables, which raised technical topics as well as everyday problems encountered by companies with digital marketing.

This year's e-Marketing trade fair proposes to enlarge its programme of conferences and debates centred around three major themes: optimising programmatic buying, improving the buyer's journey and adapting certain techniques of digital marketing to the massive consumer use of smartphones.

Furthermore, the new display area dedicated to start-ups, "Starting blocks 2016", will enable 10 innovative young companies to share their experiences and their know-how of web marketing, content preparation, customer acquisition and so on with visitors and exhibitors alike.
Once again the Venus trophies will, of course, be attributed by professionals to innovators in the sectors of marketing and customer relationships.

Digital marketing is the key to communication between businesses and clients

Once again this year, the e-Marketing trade fair will be aimed at a wide range of professionals seeking out not only solutions, but also information.

Last year, the organisers of the trade fair collected valuable data regarding visitors' professions:
• 37% Directors/Marketing managers,
• 20% Chairperson/Executive director/Manager,
• 13% Communication managers,
• 11% Business managers,
• 9% Data managers,
• 8% Consultants,
• 2% Others.

Furthermore, the quantitative data from last year's trade fair emphasizes the capital importance for companies, irrespective of size, to learn to exercise complete control and independence in terms of digital marketing. The majority of last year's visitors, 67%, worked in companies with less than 100 employees, a very symbolic majority, outlining the importance of the web marketing phenomenon.

In fact, digital marketing, a short time ago still limited to a relatively small audience, has today come into its own. Company directors seem to have realised that without a strong and practical presence on the web, the customer relationship, as well as the conversion of sales, could become problematic.

Communication and web marketing are more than ever a central focus for company managers. However, the techniques and the new tools require continued and accumulated information. The e-Marketing trade fair is therefore the ideal opportunity to stay informed, to exchange and to evaluate your company's digital marketing practices, as well as to meet the sector's major players, such as Google, who will be present this year.

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Paper books - Margy Consultants blog

The paper books have not finished being printed !

We live in an era when it would be easy to think that data is essential in every sector. However printed books still have a bright future ahead of them, and words have not been printed for the last time. Leader of the different sectors of the publishing industry, with figures to confirm it, this support has never proved unworthy of its position.

Paper remains on top

If publishing were to go completely digital, book fairs would be without a doubt rather morose affairs, and their dedication sessions even worse. The organisers of the last Paris Book Fair can congratulate themselves however, as this was not yet the case. Printed books still account for more than the majority sold, and have even taken a step upward, covering themselves with glory with a sales increase of 2 % in 2015. On the other side of the Atlantic, where the digital market has made the biggest inroads, books have only recorded a quarter of the sales, whether it be fiction or non-fiction, and the last two years this figure is in decline. If this figure appears significant at first glance, this level is still a long way off in France. It seems that French readers have difficulty in crossing the threshold, and the sales of e-books have started to stagnate more and more every day.

A print run adapted to your tastes

If books in their printed form remain well entrenched today, it is probably because they have been able to adapt to our era. We've come a long way from monks copying books for months with calligraphy texts. Today, it is possible to choose your title from a publisher, whether it's out of print or not, and have it printed in only a few minutes. That is, in any case, what "Expresso Book Machine" proposes in its Parisian shop, Presses Universitaires de France. Several million books, some of which are in the public domain, are already available, and can be printed and bound in a few minutes and then put on sale. It is quite conceivable that other publishers will follow suit and that soon we will be able to visit our favourite bookshop and order a work, and receive it immediately. This proposal of course joins the ranks of print on demand already proposed for several catalogues, especially those of Bragelonne, that publish fiction from the Snark collection in this manner, or catalogues who republish back issues and older titles. The quality remains intact, of course, just like the enjoyment.

Physical books are better than virtual ones

Through the incentives of publishers, paper books now propose unexpected prospects. It should not be forgotten that one of the printed books biggest advantages is that it can be used without an adapter. The ebook has had difficulty establishing itself in France, no doubt due to the fact that it appeared at the same time as tablets and smartphones, and not all consumers necessarily wanted, or indeed, needed to acquire multiple electronic devices. On the other hand, however, most people have eyes, and paper remains the best communication support for this tool that, moreover, can be utilised whenever desired, without complicated manipulations.

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Regional press. Margy consultants blog

The Regional Press award: an increasingly coveted trophy

For the 15th year in a row, the Regional Press Trophy will be presented in June 2016. Awarded every year by a jury of professionals to the most accomplished magazine for its contents, presentation and images, entry is free and open as of now to all publishers of the regional press.

Created in 1998 by Didier Rigaud, the award recompenses a selection of internal and external regional magazines and gazettes at the annual meeting of the regional press. One of the advantages of this award is that all municipalities, irrespective of their size, can enter. In 2015, the trophy went to Andelot-Morval for its magazine Tam-Tam. Original both in form and pertinent in content, it is published in this municipality of 90 inhabitants. Last year Tam-Tam shared the podium with Claix and Grenoble.

The regional magazine is the municipality's best communication tool

The last 15 years, the number of participants for this award organised by Cap’ com has continued to grow, and now counts more than 150. The award is attributed by a jury comprising communication professionals who, after shortlisting around fifty magazines and gazettes, assess them before deciding upon their verdict.

The participation in this event and the improvement in terms of images and quality, all bare witness to the fact that this type of magazine has been able to develop and conquer a difficult readership by arousing its curiosity. This represents a big challenge for municipalities and local authorities. Their publications remain the principal communication tool for citizens, and as such, merit a professional treatment. Editorial teams, aware of the latest developments in both printed matter and on the web, work constantly to improve in both form and content.

Although the social networks are well-used to inform in the immediacy, they win little ground amongst the readership of the regional press who prefer their habitual paper magazine. The figures attest to its success.

Regional press: the leading group of the French press

In 2014, the regional press had a monthly circulation of about 15 millions copies and was received by 80% of the population, making it the leading group of the French national press. While the daily national press is struggling to maintain its circulation numbers, regional magazines encroach each year on a part of its readership. In 10 years the regional press has been able to enlarge its circulation by 15%, and has not ceased to galvanize its publications.

Paradoxically, it is difficult to measure the impact of the institutional press in terms of content. As in the case of company magazines, the regional press must maintain its moral duty by publishing objective information on the topics addressed in order to capitalise on the trust of its readers. It privileges realistic news coverage, faced with well-informed but wary readers, troubled by the economic and social climate.

With the professionalisation of its editorial teams, the regional press adopts a magazine tone. No longer content today just to reflect information about building sites and communal innovations, it privileges news coverage and informs the population of their local area and its transformation.

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Digital Week - blog Margy Consultants

Digital Week, the time to stimulate your communication and make your marketing more efficient!

Digital Week proposes to review your company's digital performances and explore the innovations that will continue to boost your business growth. When digital revolutionises your marketing and communication, it's only through Digital Week that you can understand your situation

Digital Week, 5 days to accelerate your development

Running from 21 to 25 March 2016, Digital Week will not only focus on the latest innovations, but also on the results achieved so far by the countless advances over the last few years. Digital week, encompassing 21 training courses and a day of plenary conferences (23 March under the theme of ”Innovation and digital performance. Boost your efficiency and accelerate your business”), is the time to take stock of the situation and to examine your business opportunities and/or your projects.

The digitalisation of the economy reconciling the emergence and the consecration of first Smart and now Big Data, necessitates, from this point forward, integrating a digital dimension into all your company's services. The question of whether your business will move into the digital era is no longer relevant, and the only possible question remaining is the choice of your digital policy and its deployment timetable.

Digital marketing, a revolution for business communication

Digital Week is the occasion to focus on the importance of data in the development of our businesses, from its collection to its securitization, classification and management. Data stands today as a strong added value to your customer capital..

Enriched and updated in real time, this data rightly forms the backbone of your market research, and by implication that of your development also. Your communication and promotional services can now, thanks to Data Mining (data analysis and understanding), personalise the contents of this information and decide upon the best time to utilise it. Your sales team (or your internet site developers) can adopt an adapted sales pitch for each customer or potential customer. With the use of this Data Visualisation, even your production department can become more responsive, thus ensuring an immediate monitoring of your market activities, enabling a greater reactivity.

Digital marketing or digital company, what does the future hold?

Digital performances, which focus on new tools to respond to the new expectations of consumers, have a great effect on all your business services. Multi-channel distribution has now become omni-channel, and to be truly efficient all development strategies should integrate this cross-channel dimension.

Compatible in real time with all distribution channels, cross-channel marketing with Big Data's help, can even use a behavioural approach due to its 360° view of the customer.. The entire company benefits from these innovations, expressed in scoring terms, using forecasts made possible with Big Data.
In this way predictive marketing opens new avenues, on the modelling of customers' and prospective customers' behaviour. With its ability to detect an activity or a sentiment in advance, predictive marketing allows your company to anticipate, irrespective of whether it's to make a good corporate impression, to combat a decrease in customer loyalty, or to remove doubts and convince hesitant prospective customers.

By acting before and no longer after the fact, your teams gain in efficiency. Digital Week will focus on all these innovations and performances. This is finally the moment to highlight the exponential development of these connected objects, as well as growth forecasts in this sector. Apart from the creation of new markets and new business opportunities for your company, this generalisation of connected objects will produce a mountain of data that experts love to call “more easily exploitable”. New data that entails new developments and new tools that we may well discuss again at Digital Week 2017.

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Printers and suppliers are optimistic - Margy Consultants blog

Printers and suppliers are optimistic regarding the prospects for 2016

Professional surveys confirm that the global printing industry and its associated suppliers are extremely optimistic regarding this year's economic growth prospects.

DRUPA, the world's largest trade fair devoted to graphic and industrial printing

In fact, a recent opinion poll organised by DRUPA, the world's largest trade fair devoted to graphic and industrial printing, indicates that 37% of a panel of printing experts and 41% of the suppliers questioned, estimated that they had a good financial situation in 2015. This compares with 12% and 14% respectively who evaluated their position as relatively mediocre.

During this global trade fair, the third edition of the report on world trends and prospects of the printing industry was presented and discussed by industry professionals.

The report provides the opportunity to evaluate these trades in a financial light in which a certain moroseness can be perceived. It must be remembered that the commercial printing sector is still augmenting its diversification, the printing industry is still struggling to come to terms with the growth of digital, the packaging sector is taking advantage of its value added products, and that only the functional printing market remains stable thanks in part to the textile and interior decoration branches.

In this slightly dour context, it seems that the effects of the 2008 financial crisis are still being felt, and that the sector has not yet made a full recovery. However, printers express their optimism for 2016, despite limited profits and a continual decrease in prices.

On a global scale, the forecasts for 2016 indicate a positive/negative rate of more than 40%, even though the same indicator was around 25% in 2015. The North American and Asian markets present the most optimistic rates for 2016 (70% and 60% respectively). European printers place themselves around the average with a little more than 40% optimistic.

Many printing professionals envisage an increase in growth in 2016

Regarding their sector's market development, many printing professionals envisage an increase in growth in 2016. On the one hand, more of them put themselves in this category than in 2015, and, on the other hand 50% estimate that their financial situation will improve this year, compared to only 6% who indicate deterioration.

In global distribution terms, the Middle East, as well as the Asian, African and Australian continents, show the highest confidence rates; from the standpoint of professional sectors, the functional and commercial markets are amongst those that display the most optimistic approach in terms of economic growth.

On a global scale, the suppliers, full of confidence, are not being left behind, and estimate a positive rate of 50% this year, even though the figure was 25% at the end of 2015.
This renewed optimism is particularly felt on the African and South American continents and in part in the Middle East.

In conclusion, printers as well as suppliers understand perfectly that their businesses can only remain stable at the cost of a positive growth strategy, and faced with a world in profound digital change, these professions must find the means to remain relevant and competitive.

Another article: DRUPA 2016: this year’s edition focuses on the technologies in the printing sector

The Paris Book fair - Margy Consultants blog

The Paris Book fair (Le salon du livre) changes its name to "Livre Paris"

On 17 March 2016, the Paris Book Fair (“Salon du livre”) will open its doors for the 36th time at the Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles in Paris. This major event in the publishing world has altered its appearance, and changed its name to “Livre Paris”.

The fair's first morning, as every year, will be reserved for professionals from the publishing industry, before opening its doors to the general public. Paris Livre 2016 will welcome visitors until Sunday 20 March, including the evening session (until 10 pm) on Thursday 17 March 2016.

To mark the fairs continuity, but also to underline its changes, Livre Paris will bring itself to an ”outdoor audience”. The weekend preceding the fair (12 and 13 March), a book alley 600 metres long, stretching from the Pont de la Concorde to the Léopold-Sédar-Songhor footbridge, will whet the appetite, or prolong this educational and fun experience. “Books by the Seine” (Livre en Seine), is free of charge and open to everyone from 17 March at the Porte de Versailles!

The publishing world's key event changes its name to “Livre Paris” 2016

The change of name is not insignificant, and reflects a veritable transformation. Certainly, the thousands of works presented, the hundreds of authors, the countless publishers and editors will continue to stimulate the passages of the Parc des Expos de la Porte de Versailles during the 4 days. Livre Paris 2016 has reimagined itself as a place of wonder and amazement.

The new layout of this Parisian event is set around 4 thematic squares. This arrangement, however, will not hinder the interaction and the bridges between these different universes.

  • Culinary Square
  • Knowledge and Understanding Square
  • Children's Square
  • Religions, Culture and Society Square

Livre Paris 2016, an event with two dynamic and eclectic stages

Two stages will complete the publishing world's key event. Promising some excellent encounters, the literary stage will present all kinds of works, but also thoughts and reflections on the book's future. The innovative second stage will be devoted to comics and is certain to fulfil the high expectations of readers and/or fans of mangas, and other works of this 9th art form in full transformation.

Livre Paris 2016 promises an unexpected programme throughout its 4 days of the book's celebration, and equipped with 2 stages, it will recount the book world's current news and events with the help of numerous authors and/or publishers, particularly during the evening session on Thursday 17 March.The fair's stages will help in achieving the ambitious objective of making books more dynamic and in step with today's society.

Resist to open itself to new readers, and explore new horizons

If Livre Paris 2016 ensures, as in previous editions, an unrivalled eclecticism and a large diversity in the books presented as well as in its proposed events, the fair is still linked by a common thread. Resistance is the key word in 2016.

A resistance encompassing book culture and its future, the transmittance and sharing of values, and a resistance to withdrawing into itself. It's an ambitious goal and with this approach, it aims at restoring writing to its former glory.

This resistance is more than just empty words or a metaphor for the book fair, but a real frame of mind. Is it not only to resist, and to open itself to others that this event pursues its literary world tour? This year, 2016, South Korea will be honoured and no less than 30 South Korean authors will represent their country's literary wealth, one of the most important on the Asian continent.

As resisting also implies accepting differences, Livre Paris 2016 will also be welcoming 22 Congolese authors, who have come to celebrate the cities of Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire in the Republic of the Congo.
This year's guest city, Constatine, the Arab Capital of Culture until April 2016, will be at the centre of this event and the 20 invited Algerian authors are determined to showcase the riches of their Algeria.

By choosing a new name, Livre Paris 2016 is adapting itself to its visitor's new expectations. Coupled with these changes and innovations, the event is eagerly awaited, nonetheless by publishing professionals and book lovers alike. It may have changed its name and form somewhat, but the book fair has not changed its contents, and demonstrates a perfect... Resistance.

Specialised press - Margy Consultant blog

Specialised press: the success of employee magazines

The paper press has a long successful life ahead of it. Employee magazines in 2016 are prospering and are avidly read by the employees who prefer them to all other communication means.

Employee magazines were written off as dead the last several years, having been dethroned by intranet and the social networks. Against all odds, they have not passed away. According to a Havas study, 95% of firms publish an employee magazine in 2016.

Magazine circulation increases by 10% every year

The circulation numbers of certain magazines is something that editors of the traditional press can only dream about. France Télécom has a circulation of 13,000 copies and Engie prints 170,000 for their 3-monthly publication. There is not a firm that does not have its own magazine. The primary medium of internal communication, employee magazines convey the company's official information, while at the same time becoming more and more a communication means for the employees. France Télécom's personnel, irrespective of their company ranking, no longer hesitate to propose topics for their magazine, Connect.

In the era of Facebook and intranet communication, these magazines are faithfully read and followed. 90% of the readers appreciate their readability and 82% find their contents interesting. On the other hand, the more disincarnated information diffused by intranet does not work and 58% of the companies relay it by the intermediary of social networks.

According to Havas, despite printing costs, the employee magazine market increases by 10% per year. A publication with 8 pages and a print run of 3,000 copies costs around 11,000 euros. On its death bed a couple of years ago, the employee magazine in its new form today continues to amass more and more readers.

Professional layout and relevant contents account for its return to form

Employee magazines owe their resurrection to the contents as much as to the container! They have radically evolved. Gone is the format of 6 drab pages layouted conventionally with a tedious content. Publishing professionals have observed that managers have completely dusted off the genre and applied the mass media's recipe for success to these publications.

Longer articles have been progressively replaced by personalised subjects. They emphasize a closer approach to employees and resort to more interviews or portraits in the articles. The institutional discourse has been put aside for the use of “we” or “I”. The influence of telereality or news coverage is more apparent and has lead to a new editorial approach at Orange Mag who have been pushed to publish 11 regional editions.

Magazines progressively closer to the reader

Editorial boards have banished stonewalling. Employees, like all media readers looking for dependable and reliable information, are wary of employee magazines, which have often been reproached for their prejudiced positions.

Study figures show that even if they like their employee magazine, readers consider the information to be less than trustworthy. A real work of confidence must be undertaken which requires an objective information treatment. Conversely, even if the interviews are appreciated, only 47% approve of the amount of space assigned to employees. Egotism has no place inside the company gates. The handsome, four-colour printed employee magazine of today must prioritise information about the company's activity sector and present an opening towards this.

Another article in the publication domain: The Cadrat d’or is the most prestigious French printing prize

The Cadrat d'or - Margy Consultants

The Cadrat d'or is the most prestigious French printing prize

For many years, it has rewarded quality and technique. Here follows a short summary of the history of the most respected trophy in the world of printing.

Beginnings of the Cadrat d'or

The Cadrat d'Or was created in 1956 by Robert Vallet, the founding president of the CCFI (Compagnie des Chefs de Fabrication de l'Imprimerie). Since 1956 this prize recognises the best designs of the French printing industry. It is independent and held in high esteem as all printeries can take part, irrespective of the company's size.


Every year the non-profit organisation CCFI, founded in 1952, organises the Cadrat d'Or prize. The CCFI brings together all the professionals of the graphic sector and works alongside numerous professional bodies. As such the CCFI provides its experience and ideas in all matters relating to the printing industry.

How to participate

The Cadrat d'Or is open to all the French printing firms. However, certain years, the prize is attributed in a European framework. To enter is free, and to participate, an entry form complete with 2 or 3 works, must be submitted to the jury. The graphic designs presented to the jury can only be chosen from amongst those already proposed to clients. These works must be production versions and prototypes are not accepted. The jury is composed of the president and the members of the CCFI, former winners of the Cadrat d'Or and leading figures of the graphic arts.

Criteria assessment

The Cadrat d'Or's jury is required to judge the technical quality of the prints, irrespective of the printing process. The jury examines in detail the reproduction quality, print register, colour consistency, ink density, absence of smudging and son on. In short, the jury pays close attention to the quality of the entire work.

The benefits of the Cadrat d'or

The printing industry acknowledges the award winner as the embodiment of the utmost quality and technical criteria. For customers, it conveys a message of the entire printing industry's respect. Winning the prize is a team effort, and this trophy is also intended for all those working on the project. More than anything else the Cadrat d'Or sounds a note of excellence to all the providers, subcontractors and customers.

Recent winners

In 2012, the Cadrat d'Or trophy went to the Sia Art et Caractère printing firm. It was the printers of Média Graphic that took home the trophy in 2013, and in 2014, it was attributed to the Escourbiac printing company.
The latest cadrat, the 59th, was awarded to Pierre Gradenigo, managing director of the Stipa printing firm in 2015. He also won the award in 2010, and could confirm that “it is the greatest honour that a printer can receive”.

The next prize

The 60th Cadrat d'Or will be attributed on 19 May this year. You have until 30 April to submit your designs. Send your works and your entry form to: Cabinet BL, 55, rue des Vinaigriers, 75010 Paris, France

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Le graphiste - Margy consultants blog

Graphic printing, or the quality challenge

The quality of graphic work, a print or packaging, often and to a great degree depends on the paper used. By utilising quality paper, the finished product's value can be increased and given a professional and unique touch.

Fedrigoni through the years

Fedrigoni is a pioneering company in the paper industry, with more than 125 years of experience combining innovation, creation and solid ethical principles. Through the years, these have enabled the firm to become one of the five foremost European companies in specialised papers originally ear-marked for printing. Today, Fedrigoni's high-quality paper which possesses different types of specific qualities, is utilised amongst others in publishing, where it covers a broad spectrum of the industry’s needs and demands.

A tour to celebrate 20 years of success

This year Fedrigoni celebrates its 20th anniversary, and to mark the occasion, a tour, with the theme “Le papier dans tous ses états” (“The world of paper”), has been organised in 9 French cities to meet and rub shoulders with customers. This event will enable the company to promote their know-how and their local partners in the graphic industry in every city the tour visits. The tour will host a competition between the different cities, which consists of displaying the works created with Fedrigono paper; a way of highlighting their range of products as well as the plethora of creative possibilities that they generate.

A colourful know-how

Fedrigoni proposes a large range of paper in different materials and colours, which allows customers and specialty groups to find the one that suits them best. Whether it's for publishers, graphic book designers or printers, Fedrigoni offers a wide range to enhance designs intended for books, advertising-related publishing, etiquettes, book covers or even packaging and case binding. The firm also offers custom made products and short delivery dates, with an eye to maintaining customer loyalty.

Customers can of course rely on the high quality specialty and technical paper, a palette of colours and enhancing textures. They can also count on materials, from the most classical to the most technically developed, and every effort is made to guarantee that the customer's finished design will meet their expectations.

Fedrigoni have been able to reinvent themselves through the years and to diversify their perspectives, thereby reaching a larger public and a wider, more diversified number of partners in different sectors. With their large palette of colours and paper materials, Fedrigoni paper is today used in advertising-related printing and publishing as well as calendar printing. You can choose from amongst a large range of materials and colours at the specialist printing firm of Margy Consultants, where you can create the covers of advertising diaries for different customised sectors, all bearing your image in the quality and style that suits your wishes.

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